Monday, May 29, 2006

Don't Use A Genius For Manual Labour Or Electricity To Heat Your Home

There are different varieties of energy in different states of usefulness both physical and mental.The most valuable being those in the lowest state of entropy or that which the most useful work can be extracted.Naturally over time once this useful work is done the energy will naturally revert to a form which is unusable.Electricity can power a computer or a heater.If it powers a computer you get the computation then the heat however if it powers a heater directly then all it's free energy has gone directly into a state of maximum entropy-an enormous waste.Likewise if you use a genius for manual work then you have lost all the potential he or she has and turned it into the lowest common denominator of human labour.In both cases you have wasted a valuable resource or potential and it has gone directly into the lowest state possible.Use all resources at their highest function possible.

Store Your Knives Correctly

Many people when storing their knives put them face down in the wooden storage block which ensures they are dulled slightly each time they are removed or replaced.What was meant to keep them safe has become their greatest enemy.Sharp knives are better than dull knives and it only takes a little thought to keep them sharp.The effort needed to keep knives sharp is infintesimal compared to repeated sharpening or using a dull knife.Likewise in our lives keeping our senses sharp pays off infinitely more than the effort needed to make up for missed opportunities and bad decisions.Store your knives with the sharp side not rubbing on the wood and store your faculties so they are likewise not dulled or even better sharpened with use.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Instant Gratification And Procrastination Have The Same Roots

Self control or the ability to direct one's thoughts are at the root of a successful or unsuccessful life.Without the abilty to forestall gratification now for something better in the future poverty is assured.Spending one's money for consumer objects now is a sure way to destroy the seeds needed either monetary or psychic for the potential fruits of the future.What is wanted now takes precedence over the future.Likewise procrastination is where the difficult route now is moved into the future.In both cases the gratification is immediate in one case by something positive and in the other by the absence of anything negative.Putting off for tomorrow what should be done today and spending today what should be saved and grown for tomorrow are attributes of people who have no self control and are not much different from an animal who lives in the here and now.The world is such that taking the easy route today means failure in the future.Develop the ability to take the difficult route which also includes persistence and success is assured.