Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Principle Of Least Action And God Implies That The Universe Is A Mind

The least action principle is one of the foundations of physics and states that nature does things in the most economical way possible.From light reflecting off a surface or refracting through water to a ball rolling down a hill they all take the shortest path in the dimensions of energy multiplied by time or it's equivalent momentum times distance.Occam's razor is the analogue in information whereby the simplest explanation of a phenomena is the most desirable.So in this way information and the physical world have a parallel.This article itself is an example of that principle whereby I show the validity of my argument using the minimum amount of concepts and still be able to make my point. If this principle did not exist there could be no laws of nature because without some constraints the same experiment would produce different results each time.God of course would be aware of this idea and make full use of it and be bound by it too.So when he created the universe he would arrange it so not only is the universe economical in it's use of resources but will function with the least amount of supervision by him that is zero thereby taking the principle of least action to the limit.Now in order for it to act as if he were directing it at all times it would have to behave as his mind would to make the same decisions as him.So the principle of least action and God implies that the universe perfectly mirrors Gods mind.God and the universe are one and that is a mind.