God Is To Philosophy What Liouville's Number Is To Mathematics
One thing the human mind excells at is making new mental objects to satisfy a preconcieved notion.Irrational numbers are non repeating numbers which may or may not be the root of an algebraic equation.The roots of primes are all irrational in yet algebraic.There is a more powerful type of irrational called transcendental which are not only irrational but also not the root of any algebraic formula.The first number proven to exhibit this property is Liouville's number which was tailor made to exhibit just this property.It exists nowhere in the physical universe but only in the mind and is constructed in such a way as to be a transcendental number.A purely mental construct designed to fulfill the properties needed to make it non-algebraic.The concept of god was constructed by iron age people to satisfy the properties they considered necessary to understand the world.However since they knew nothing of physics they constructed an anthropomorphic universe where god was supreme.That of course is the simplest solution since it absolves one of actually doing the difficult work of figuring out the physical laws.Notice no prophets or saints gave us even the most rudimentary physical laws.You won't find Newton's laws in any religious books. The properties of god is the intersection of all their musings, a simultaneous equation satisfying all their preconditions but not existing in reality only as a construct of an iron age mind.A loving god who runs his own concentration camp called hell was the result.That is the type of idiocy produced by charlatans who pass themselves off as thinkers.
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