The Universe Is A Henkin Sentence
In order for the universe to exist it will have many qualities the foremost of which is that it can exist or it has a proof of it's own existence.A Henkin sentence is a self referential expression which asserts it's own provability and under the right circumstances existence.If from the world of virtual particles a self referential sentence is constructed using these particles which says of itself the universe will exist beginning with this sentence and it is correctly stated then the universe will of necessity come into being.Properly stated Henkin sentences always tell the truth.Once the particles are arranged to state that the universe is the solution to the statement it will be solved in the shortest possible time and will give rise to explosive growth which will be inflation.When the requisite number of particles and energy is formed then the process will stop and the universe will continue on containing the created matter and energy.The Henkin sentence used as a starting point for the world will be of the implicit kind only asserting it's existence and not giving an explicit derivation for it's solution.This is because it is the most economical to write out compared to an explicit sentence and nature always follows the shortest path.This also means that if it was written by a higher being then he did'nt know the solution and in order to see what would happen the program had to be run.This of course means he cannot be omniscient himself.
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