Religion Without Personalities
For each person born there was one sperm cell and egg which joined together to from the nucleus of a new life.However at the time of conception there are many sperm cells competing to fertilise the egg each of them with the potential to create a brother or sister of who was actually born.Now if one hundred generations ago instead of who was actually born it was instead their potential sibling then the world would be a very different place.You and I would not be here but the world would and presumably people too.If for each person in succeeding generations all their potential siblings was born there would be trillions of possibililities of various people and their attendent world lines.A many worlds interpretation of cell fertilisation!The world would be unrecognizable in may ways and history would be much different in each one. Non of the great historical leaders both famous and infamous would have been born or religious founders either.Some things would be the same and that is what we are interested in .The laws of nature would be unchanged and mathematics and no doubt some social laws and people would still plant in the spring and harvest in the fall.However any traditions which were ungrounded in universal truth would of necessity be peculiar to one particular universe and it's inhabitants.We are not interested in customs or practices which are the domain of one potential world only those truths which are common to them all irrespective of their inhabitants.A true religion's message will exist for all people and will of necessity be independent of any personalities.It will span all potential worlds and be instantly recognizable by all cultures at all times.Religious leaders will demand anonymity because the truth they speak is extra personal and exists in itself devoid of ego.So why do religions speak of their founders instead of this truth.All religions today are intimately woven with their leaders who of necessity are peculiar to this world and are therefore incomplete. A true religion must of necessity be concerned with universal truth and be devoid of personalities.Any true religion will know this and it will be central tenet of their beliefs in yet not one mentions anything of this.
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