Wednesday, October 11, 2006

If P, Then If Not-P Then Q

This is a theorem of sentential calculus which states that if a system of axioms is inconsistent then any statement can be derived. That is an inconsistent system will say anything one wants it to.Certainly a mathematical system which proves 2+2 =4 and 2+2=5 would be discarded.Likewise with all systems of religion any inconsistency is a sign of deep trouble and certainly indicative of the absence of God.Even one inconsistency demolishes the ediface.God is loving in yet will comdemn you to an eternal concentration camp called hell would be one glaring inconsistency right off the bat. Of course if a story is consistent does'nt necessarily make it true but if it is not consistent then it is demonstrably untrue.When you are dealing with a system which sells itself as consistent and true then it must be both. However all religious books have examples of contradictions which explains different sects within the same religion whereby two or more interpretations are deduced from the same book. If your religion has even one contradiction then it is of necessity the creation of a human mind and not God.Logic comes to the rescue and exposes ramblings disguised as the word of God. You will never again be able to read contradictory statements and think they came from God.