Who Are The Real Molesters?
Lately we have been hearing of a famous celebrity who is on trial for molesting young men but compared to others his crime is almost nonexistent.I am talking of religious types who have a fixation on young people's genitalia and their desire to mutilate children's private parts.We are not talking about touching these children's genitals but actually taking a knife to them because supposedly God wants these parts lopped off.Of course this is circumcision and is done to babies without anesthetic because they are the most helpless members of society and except for some crying cannot complain.A real proof of faith would be for grown men to be circumcised perhaps when they turn 21 then we would see how much faith normal people have and that ritual will go away real fast.Leave the baby mutilation in the past.Of course one has to ask what sort of mindset would want to take a knife to a baby's penis and how it ties into the religious mindset in general and just how legitimate in general is an ideology which commands one to do such a thing.Not very pretty and certainly controlling and does God care if you have been circumcised and what kind of God would care. He must have bigger fish to fry than that and why is God so un-selfactualized that he would want your penis mutilated or is the un-selfactualization just a manifestation of religious dogma.
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