Saturday, August 27, 2005

Metaticism A More Comprehensive Description Of An Economy

One thing which is a source of amazement is the willingness of people who believe that any description of the economy is incomplete to embrace a pejorative term for it's description. It is as if someone called you a thief then you then start describing yourself as a thief ! If you have lost the high ground in the war of terminologies then the battle is a rearguard action before you even begin.It is no wonder that people who believed in robot societies held the upper hand in the battle of ideas.In this case I am talking about the term capitalism which of course was coined by Marx to name that which he could not describe or predict. That of course is the interaction of free people and the resultant emergent ordering and wealth creation. He tried but failed miserably to offer a description and an alternative and the proof is in the disastrous states which adopted his theory.Likewise his terminology should be relegated to the same place in history as the failed countries which he is responsible for ie to the dustbin of history.The word metaticism more nearly describes an economy made up of many players constantly interacting and producing new unpredictible products and therefore interactions.Meta from about and ticism from an abbreviated form of dialecticism.However instead of two opposing forces combing to form a synthesis there are an infinte number of players and sets of sets of players which form the "economy" or a metatic society. As was shown earlier this set of interactions and their description must be forever incomplete.The word Metaticism more clearly describes the true nature of the economy and it's infinite sublety rather than the crude and meaningless term capitalism .