Sunday, September 25, 2005

Consistency Is Not Enough

We have all heard people from various religions say that their's is consistent therefore true but that is not the case.Consistency is necessary but not sufficient because something can be consistent in yet not necessarily true.A story can be written of any length where all the parts combine to form a consistent tale in yet still be totally fictitious.Aunts, uncles,parents and siblings all interacting perhaps for generations but totally the result of someones imagination and one can find no inconsistency in the story in yet it is still a story and nothing more.If someone pitches their religion based on the fact that it is consistent then you are dealing with an ignorant person and if they are sincere then quite possibly a dangerous individual because they will spread their nonsense to more ignorant people. A simple result in logic states that if a statement and it's negation can be deduced that is A and Not -A then any statement can be deduced!So a religion can be consistent and still be untrue but if it is inconsistent then it is definitely untrue!For example God loves you but will put you into a concentration camp called Hell if you displease him would pass as a glaring inconsistency even to the point of insanity in yet those two diametrically opposite ideas are held in the minds of many religious people.If one of your "holy" books says one thing and it's exact opposite then you can deduce anything from it and people do and that is evident in the many interpretations of religion and therefore wars.God by definition must be perfect so will not hand down inconsistent messages so all so called holy books were written by men clearly gifted men like a great playwrite but men nonetheless.In science or math however a thing is correct or not and there is only one way to interpret it ie :pi is a trancendental number and cannot be interpreted otherwise.That is the language God would use in yet it is barely employed at all in religion.When religious people do try to use the language of logic they stumble right out of the gate and say that if something is consistent it is true and this is passed off as thinking.