Occam's Razor Renders Religious Dietary Laws Redundant
Occam's razor or the principle that all things must be explained in the simplest possible manner also implies that all things should be done with the minimum of complexity and effort.This economy of action is a universal principle governing all things and in order for us to succeed we must of necessity follow this axiom.Spending time preparing food and searching out and sometimes rejecting food because someone said you mus'nt eat it is a waste of time and food.Checking on packaging for ingredients based on religious dogma and not health considerations is a waste of time and mental energy and is only useful in terms of perpetuating the religious virus.God of necessity shuns people who waste resources on iron age superstition.Be mindful of the principle of least action when being told what to eat for religious reasons and know that the people perpetuating this myth are ignorant of greater truths.