Friday, October 27, 2006

Gambling Has Evolutionary Origins

Risk taking is an integral part of evolution without which we would not progress.People many thousands of years ago had to take risks to survive and flourish and had to be rewarded psychologically for doing so therefore the desire to do it again.For those risk takers who failed and died trying it does'nt matter if they got a rush but for those who succeeded and got a rush their genes were passed on to their progeny.So if people took a chance the result would be the same in total whether they won or lost.The losers and their need to gamble would die but the winners and their genes would survive.In either case at the end the gambling gene would carry on because some of the gamblers would be explorers who would find new lands and thrive.The need to gamble is a variation of the need to explore which of course is what we need to grow.Lotteries are a synthetic derivative of our primal need to explore and experience the unknown.Now however the odds have been calculated leaving us at the mercy of our once useful primal instincts.Gambling is the crack cocaine of exploration.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Stressed Devices And Societies Show Their True Workings

If you stress an engine as in a car motor under heavy load using a standard transmission then you will begin to feel what is otherwise masked under normal conditions.The car will jerk which of course is the result of each individual explosion within the cylinders.Now you are feeling firsthand what is really going on in the engine because it is under stress and all the smoothing action of the flywheel is gone.Likewise within a society when under stress the hidden interactions begin to become manifest. Different groups who before lived together in relative or forced harmony now begin to act out what they have been thinking all along because they have nothing to lose or see an opportunity for gain or there will be no repercussions for what they do. A society without a police force or in extreme economic straits will show what it is really made of. Some societies under stress will fracture along ethnic or religious lines and other societies will come together with no thought of killing their neighbors.Societies which fall apart under stress are inherently evil only that evil was hidden or repressed before.Societies with large numbers of groups must of necessity be more unstable than a society with a smaller number of groups.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

If P, Then If Not-P Then Q

This is a theorem of sentential calculus which states that if a system of axioms is inconsistent then any statement can be derived. That is an inconsistent system will say anything one wants it to.Certainly a mathematical system which proves 2+2 =4 and 2+2=5 would be discarded.Likewise with all systems of religion any inconsistency is a sign of deep trouble and certainly indicative of the absence of God.Even one inconsistency demolishes the ediface.God is loving in yet will comdemn you to an eternal concentration camp called hell would be one glaring inconsistency right off the bat. Of course if a story is consistent does'nt necessarily make it true but if it is not consistent then it is demonstrably untrue.When you are dealing with a system which sells itself as consistent and true then it must be both. However all religious books have examples of contradictions which explains different sects within the same religion whereby two or more interpretations are deduced from the same book. If your religion has even one contradiction then it is of necessity the creation of a human mind and not God.Logic comes to the rescue and exposes ramblings disguised as the word of God. You will never again be able to read contradictory statements and think they came from God.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Social Engineers Are Far More Dangerous Than Nuclear Engineers

Statesmen or so called statesmen are really just social engineers who think they have figured out how society should be run.They are willing to put whole societies at risk on a vague idea usually in the form of a slogan which has never been tried before or has failed on numerous occasions in different incarnations. Multiculturalism of course is a huge social experiment where the citizens of the west are the guinea pigs and it may or may not work.If it does work nothing will have been gained because things were good before but if it fails then it will be a disaster. Everything to lose and nothing to gain with no exit strategy if it falls apart. The engineers at chernobyl did the same thing whereby what was working was experimented on with no obvious benefit but huge potential disaster. If you play in the park whereby you have nothing to gain and everything to lose and you do it long enough disaster is certain.This is what our thinkers have bequeathed to our children.It turns out either they aren't as smart as believed ar are sociopaths.

Randomness Is The Only True Dispenser Of Fairness

If you are confronted with a situation whereby a decision must be made impartially and there are a range of outcomes each with a certain possibility then the decision procedure must reflect the probabilities.This can only be done by randomizing the choices through the use of a random device.If you have to choose between two or more people for a task either bad or good and a decision cannot be made based on objective factors then the fair way is to let randomness decide which course of action to take.This way the decision and the decider are as one and cannot be improved upon.When a decision cannot be had by human deduction then don't make it.Nothing could be more fair than an honest coin toss.Societies which shun probabilities at once show thier ignorance and conceit and what could be more revolting than that.

Mennonite Customs Are As Much A Reflection Of Their Neighbors Beliefs As Their Own

Mennonites are the sheep of humanity who will not take up arms against others.That can work fine if your neighbors are goats or cows or horses but quickly falls down if your neighbors are wolves. The fact that mennonites exist at all is totally a reflection of the peacefulness of their neighbors communities.Mennonites exist in very few places which not coincidentally are places where other people move to.The peaceable Mennonites would be stomped into oblivion in most countries and most times and would be an historical oddity like the Druids if not for a few oases of peace and tolerance in the world. When you see or think of Mennonites think not only of their peaceable nature but marvel at the fact that they even exist.