Stressed Devices And Societies Show Their True Workings
If you stress an engine as in a car motor under heavy load using a standard transmission then you will begin to feel what is otherwise masked under normal conditions.The car will jerk which of course is the result of each individual explosion within the cylinders.Now you are feeling firsthand what is really going on in the engine because it is under stress and all the smoothing action of the flywheel is gone.Likewise within a society when under stress the hidden interactions begin to become manifest. Different groups who before lived together in relative or forced harmony now begin to act out what they have been thinking all along because they have nothing to lose or see an opportunity for gain or there will be no repercussions for what they do. A society without a police force or in extreme economic straits will show what it is really made of. Some societies under stress will fracture along ethnic or religious lines and other societies will come together with no thought of killing their neighbors.Societies which fall apart under stress are inherently evil only that evil was hidden or repressed before.Societies with large numbers of groups must of necessity be more unstable than a society with a smaller number of groups.
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