Saturday, November 11, 2006

If You Live A Peaceful Life It Is Purely By Chance

Much of humanity has lived in horrible violent invariably superstitious societies for most of history.Very few people anywhere have lived even a whole generation without some sort of war,strife or conflict either internally or externally generated. One cannot count on so called intellectuals to provide any direction because they will follow and rationalise any political or religious system no matter how ridiculous . From angels floating around and people talking to them to dialectical materialism to tearing the beating heart out of prisoners Aztec style intellectuals were and are ready to expound the fashionable theory of the day as to why this is imperative. Of course the intellectuals of those times and places are as intelligent as our intellectuals today and if they were interchanged they would be indistinguishible. People who live in democracies can count themselves lucky that things went that way because the people who devised that system of governance could have as easily gone another way as what happened in other societies. The fact that you live in a democracy is purely a chance event if one believes that all peoples are equally intelligent.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

If There Is Only One Universe Then The Biblical Iron Age God Is Superflous

In how many ways could a universe be created and with what physical constants and still function.In a universe where the inverse square law does'nt hold planets and electrons will be unstable in their respective orbits and therefore life will be impossible.Likewise in a universe of more or less than three dimensions there can be no linear propagation of waves.So in order for life to exist it must exist in our universe.So god had no choice but to make our world and if he had no choice then he is not God!A God without the power to create another functioning world must of necessity not exist.Occam's razor demands it.God himself must be governed by laws for to say otherwise is to talk in riddles and inject a layer of mystery where non is warranted. God must obey the same laws as the rest of the universe and as such can be no greater than the universe and by definition also be no less than the universe. If he cannot be greater than by science or less than the universe by his very definition he must be synonomous with the universe. Can there be any wonder as to why religions ban the inquiry into the nature and extent of God.