Thursday, November 22, 2007

The True Meaning Of Religion Lies In It's Structure Not Message

Religions all have a basic template which they follow simply because in the world of ideas like the natural world there is survival of the fittest.Religion a two thousand year old meme passes the survival test brilliantly.First of course are the threats if you don't believe either here or in an afterlife although there is no proof anywhere of such a thing.The second complementary half is the promise of prosperity and possibly a paradise after one dies .Both sides are much embellished by horror stories for the disobedient and riches for the obedient.That is the template by which all ideologies grow and one can substitute any rules for any others and the result will be the same.The objective writings of religion are nonsense what with angels floating around which no one sees but the message is in the structure.Once you understand that all religions become a mind virus some just more virulent than others and their adherents carriers of the virus.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Prophets Are To Adults What Santa Clause Is To Children

As with any information processing device either biological or mechanical there is a limit to the amount of information and it's complexity which can be assimilated and processed.Less developed minds naturally believe that which is more near to being false merely because of their lack of experience ie children's belief in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.Their experience does not allow them to reason that such things are impossible based since their experience is so limited they cannot see the contradictions inherent in these beings.Later as a child grows up and gains experience he begins to question Santa's existence until finally as a teenager at the latest he realizes it is a fairy tale. However until he had developed the complexity within his mind to discern the truth he believed in such things.However the analogy does not stop there because there are more difficult things which are as beyond the understanding of the teenager as Santa is beyond the understanding of the child.Likewise with young adults as compared to older adults and simpler people compared with more intelligent people.Until as a limit there are things believed by many which although more sophisticated than the idea of Santa are just as wrong and adults can no more understand their falseness than a child can understand the falseness of Santa.It is as easy to believe a falsehood as it is difficult to understand a truth if both are beyond our information processing capabilityThe idea of the falseness of angels floating around and prophets is as far above the understanding of some adults as santa is above children.To say that adults cannot be fooled in this way is to say that adults understand everything.