Fractal Sociology
Self similarity which fractals represent is everywhere from a coastline to a mountain range where the large is a magnification of the small but self similarity or the tendency of nature to use the same laws in the large or small is not restricted to the physical world.Self similarity also functions in the society where large groups are made up of smaller groups which in turn are made up of smaller groups yet.We see this fractal nature reflected in countries which are collections of people based on racial,linguistic and or religious similarities.The largest group we have at the present time is the whole earth made up of distinct societies each interacting with each other in various degrees of trade or conflict.Now according to this theory a county made up of the same groups as the world at large should approximately mirror the larger world with different groups interacting in the microcosm as they do in the macrocosm and how else could it be.So multicultural societies must of necessity feel the strains of the larger world only internally with each group advancing it's own agenda just like in the real world. Any country with a number of large groups some of which seem to be incompatible with each other will of necessity organise into self similar groups based on the criteria mentioned once again like in the greater world.These areas are called enclaves and this self organizing effect is quite manifest already in countries with many newcomers. As a limit these different groups will not want to be ruled by others but wish to have their territory once again like in the greater world.Taken to it's logical conclusion there will be fighting just like in the greater world.
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