Meta- Consciousness
If one assumes that the earth's biosphere functions as an organism albeit a huge one then we can take that conclusion and expand it to the fact that the world will have a form of consciousness.The analogy between a self contained living entity with it's myriad of feedback and feedforward mechanisms and the whole earth with it's corresponding control mechanisms seems complete.Consciousness however seems to creep into living beings certainly animals because it facilitates existence.If consciousness can come into being in a mind which is made of unconscious cells then it will certainly come into existence in an entity made of conscious units.These monads of consciousness are not just human but all the animals and fish and insects who also are aware and interact with each other.The earth is a conscious being composed of conscious beings which makes it infinitely more complex than ourselves a type of meta-consciousness.This will explain synchronicity when events come together to aid or thwart our plans it is not coincidence but the work of a higher mind which we can barely perceive.Two examples would be when the German armies were stopped by the unusually cold Russian winter in WW2 just as Napoleons had been earlier or when the Mongol army was destroyed twice by typhoons whilst trying to invade Japan. The earth mind solves problems in the east as well as the west.So what of this idea itself will it be helped by the world to expand or will it wither and die.Once we understand that we are part of a larger whole we of necessity will try to nourish that one which is the earth which means we will be more friendly towards the earth mind and more environmentally predisposed.The earth would rather be healthy than sick so it will in it's mysterious way work to advance this idea.An idea whose time has come and if true will spread across the world at the speed of light and in ways to people and cause effects we cannot imagine.How else could it be.