There Are No "Holy" Days In The Universe
A true religion that is one which attempts to mimic the laws of nature and continually grow will contain no "holy" days.There are no special days in the universe where the laws of nature change so all religious carnivals,feasts, fasts, ritual choppings etc are all the construct of the mind which is not in accordance with the truth.Birthdays and anniversaries being non religious exist for sentimental reasons and are exempt from this. Religion being a virus needs to continually reinforce it's existence in it's host by repetition and emotion and as such is constructed for the mind rather than the objective truth.False religions create their own truth which exists only in the minds of it's believers.All religions employ holy days just like the pagans before them although they do not exist in the objective universe so as a result are false and a construct of a manipulative mind.Since holy days are a common factor in all societies at all times that means they are psychological in nature and all current religions which practice rituals are really the stepchildren of earlier ones.All people who proclaim and join in holy times of all description are purveyors of ignorance rather than knowledge and thinking.Wipe the slate clean and be done with unscientific holy days.
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