The False Logic Of Time And Numbers
Occasionally one reads of someone extolling the virtues of his or her religion or ideology based on the number of believers or the time people have believed such things.If someone says their group has X number of followers therefore this ideology must be true because look at all the people who believe then they are talking nonsense.This is a totally circular argument since the implication is if all those people believe in it then it must be true so I will join.Of course if enough people join based on this argument then the spokesman can come back and say look now we have (n)X people who believe and use that as a basis to join although the argument is just as specious as before.Likewise with the time argument he can argue that look at all the time our people have believed such a thing and say that it must be correct so we should keep on believing this thing.Of course what is never mentioned is that people thousands of years ago were for the most part illiterate superstitous people and why anyone would want to use them as a role model seems a mystery unless ignorance is what is being perpetuated.The next time someone says how many people are in their religion as an excuse for it's validity remember this piece and question how deep their thoughts must be and by extension how valid is their message.
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