A Virulent Religion Will Expand To Fill All Available Time
Just as the time taken to do a job will expand to fill in all the available time allocated or the amont of money expended in a bureaucracy will equal the amount budgeted likewise a religion will expand in one's life to take up all the time available. This will equal all the free time one has spent praying and being occupied with dietary rules and reading stories about angels and just generally wasting time.As a limit a society of such people will produce just enough to survive and will have zero surplus for trade and will be of necessity reliant on natural resources.If their natural resources are valuable enough then it will mask the basic unproductivity of their lifestyle but if they are honest they will notice that everything they have was produced by others plus all scientific knowledge and ask why.A virulent religion will expand itself to the detriment of all thinking and produce cycling societies where the people are locked in a never ending feedback loop.If someone is praying or thinking of angels then they are not thinking just fantasizing that they are.Being conscious is necessary for but not sufficient for thinking and there are only so many hours in a day.A brilliant mathematician spending his time interpreting religious texts may come up with brilliant summaries but not brilliant mathematics.A true religion will be minimized to not only allow but demand thinking and progress and displace entropic ideologies.A true religion will have no unscientific "holy days"and be self aware and always on the lookout for religions which enlist unobservable angels to justify their existence.
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