Leftism Is To Society What AIDS Is To A Body
If we assume that any society is a form of organism where different occupations fulfill specific functions just like in a living being where different organs perform different tasks then we can draw some analogies between a society and a body.One thing which any living body needs and does not exist for long without is a protective mechanism to ward off germs and viruses.A body with the AIDS virus has lost the requisite defense mechanism and soon becomes ill and dies due to an invasion of germs and viruses.Likewise a society needs a defense mechanisn, a multilayered defense to keep out unwanted and or dangerous invaders which can enter either individually or en masse.Leftism destroys a societies defenses by proclaiming that all cultures are equal just different and thereby weakens a society's defenses against foreign invaders. Just as the aids virus destroys T cells which recognize and destroys invading organisms likewise leftism destroys a society's will to protect itself thereby exposing it's citizens to terrorism.All individuals who proclaim themselves to belong to the leftist camp are the societal equivalent to an AIDS virus.
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