Monday, December 05, 2005

The Symmetry Between The Evolution Of Social Structures And Physical Attributes In Isolated Societies

Recently with the discovery of the remains of little people who lived on Flores Island a new connection has been made between man and the animal kingdom.It had been known for a long time animals on isolated habitats mutated into large or minute and largely defenseless versions of their cousins who had to undergo the rigors of competition on the mainland.For example the enormous tortoises on the Galapagos Island or pony sized elephants on Flores Island who co-existed with the Hobbit people.Likewise man when subjected to the same forces or the same forces are absent responds physically in the same way as the animals. However there is another transition which happens in the social sphere of isolated and otherwise safe societies.That is the social structure sheds it's ability to defend itself even conceptually just as flightless island birds or the giant tortoises of the Galapagos have shed their defenses for the most part and what is left is only a vestige what their ancestors had.This mutated and defensless form of society which is a natural response to nature's desire for economy of thought and exertion is socialism and multiculturalism which of course is the beginning of the end for western civilization.Society in the West has been for the most part unassailable for hundreds of years so this seems a natural development.All great civilizations in the past have become soft and weak and eventually have been destroyed either from the outside or inside or a combination of the two.However the path taken in the West not only refuses to defend itself but even goes further in it's desire for non-conflict and actually invites others into their societies.What was preserved for hundreds of years in England by way of a natural moat which kept out numerous adversaries was destroyed in a single generation.The drawbridge was lowered for all to enter. Naturally it takes many thousands of generations for physical changes to happen but since thoughts are far more malleable than physical changes they can happen in a remarkably compressed timescale.In many ways western man is as defenseless from invading ideologies or religions as is the kiwi bird of New Zealand who evolved in a threatless world and is now totally at the mercy of foreign predators.Kiwis the humans are as endangered as kiwis the bird.A beautiful symmetry for those who care to see it and with an almost certain and tragic conclusion for both. So the natural world has become a proxy for the social world and now western societies are facing the threat of a self inflicted extinction and must adapt or disappear.