Sunday, November 27, 2005

By Harnessing The Laws Of Nature You Can Have A Virtual Genie

Suppose you could have a Genie or something as close to a Genie as possible within the boundaries of physical laws would it be worthwhile to strive for such a thing? Are there laws of nature which can get you almost everything you want?.Yes there are and one of the most powerful of course is the law of compound interest or the ability to put time on your side where time becomes your ally and with time as your partner how can you lose?Likewise however paying interest makes time your foe and it is like swimming upstream then defeat is certain.Of course since compound interest uses time it takes time for it to work and isn't immediate like a fictional Genie but if you wait it will buy you all the things that money can buy and that can make your life better.So using the flow of time you can become independent. So save 15 percent of your earnings and let nature and mathematics work for you and if you are in debt pay it off as quickly as possible.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Only Sacred Place In The Universe Is Within Your Skull

Sacred ground like holy times are a figment of someone's manipulative imagination meant only to awe and confuse people and perpetuate false beliefs and ultimately control them and steal their labour..The only true sacred place will not be some rocks or buildings but a place so amazing that it is the only place in the universe with it's characteristics and how else could it be.Of course the one place where everything changes and makes thinking itself possible is within our skulls in our brains.The most complicated piece of matter in the universe which even has the possibility of representing the universe within itself.No building or earthly spot can compare to our brain in complexity and to say a buiding is sacred and a brain is not is portrays a most profound misunderstanding of life.Protect your consciousness from harm and expand it so it may be more able to discern the truth and achieve it's potential no matter at what level.The one sacred place in the universe is your brain and the one sacred time is when you are expanding your knowledge.External objects are not sacred and time spent celebrating or feasting or fasting is not holy and to say that they are is buffoonery of the highest degree.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Leftism Is To Society What AIDS Is To A Body

If we assume that any society is a form of organism where different occupations fulfill specific functions just like in a living being where different organs perform different tasks then we can draw some analogies between a society and a body.One thing which any living body needs and does not exist for long without is a protective mechanism to ward off germs and viruses.A body with the AIDS virus has lost the requisite defense mechanism and soon becomes ill and dies due to an invasion of germs and viruses.Likewise a society needs a defense mechanisn, a multilayered defense to keep out unwanted and or dangerous invaders which can enter either individually or en masse.Leftism destroys a societies defenses by proclaiming that all cultures are equal just different and thereby weakens a society's defenses against foreign invaders. Just as the aids virus destroys T cells which recognize and destroys invading organisms likewise leftism destroys a society's will to protect itself thereby exposing it's citizens to terrorism.All individuals who proclaim themselves to belong to the leftist camp are the societal equivalent to an AIDS virus.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

How Much Should You Get Paid To Smoke?

If someone asked you to sacrifice your health for money you could make a rational claim that under the correct payment regime coupled with a satisfactory health degradation that a deal could be struck.If someone offered you enough money to retire but you lose five years of your life and or your well being decreases somewhat some people may take that tradeoff.After all many people trade their health for money for example miners or people who work in hazardous industries.This happens all the time .So If someone paid you enough to smoke knowing the health hazards you could make the case that it is rational.However if someone offered you free cigarettes to destroy your health and would pay you nothing it would be irrational to accept that because you have your health to lose but nothing to gain.The third scenario which is the real world scenario has people paying money to destroy their health and getting no benefits in return.So you lose your health and pay for this privilege so you lose in every possible way.The worst of all worlds. Extremely non rational and of course the same goes for any sort of narcotic.When someone reads this it will either resonate with them and they will understand it by the time they have read this far or even anticipated the conclusion and if they haven't started smoking never will or if they do smoke will stop.For the others a life of confusion and toil is almost certain.This simple exercise in worldly wisdom will separate those who think and act rationally from those who don't.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A True Ideology Must Understand And Harness Counterfactuals

Contrafactuals or the potentiality for action are an intergal part of quantum mechanics and determine what is so therefore our life.Taken as a limit everything that happens on a microscopic scale is dependent on contrafactuals so we are the total of all the contrafactuals in our surroundings.One of the factors in the world are our thoughts so as we grow intellectually and spiritually we become closer to the world in thought and tendency until we become as a monad.An infintesimal part of the universe in yet reflecting the entire world within.Our thoughts and what is thought become one and they are in a one to one correspondence with the universe.Nothing could be more perfect and if the goal of life is to become perfect then that is our goal.The first thing we must do is recognize this both intellectually and viscerally and once we recognize this fact with our intellect then the emotional recognition will follow.If our emotional intelligence has any validity it will verify our intellectual conclusions.If our emotional intelligence clashes with our logical thinking then we are flawed and doomed to imperfection either individually or as a race.By striving toward the goal of perfection we create contrafactuals which alter the world which in turn help us further which we use to create more complex contrafactuals which further help us in ways we cannot imagine.This cascade of increasingly complex contrafactuals is of necessity non computable which makes it appear mysterious and unpredictable to us.We however are the source of this and without our consciousness this class of interactions does not exist. Of course recognizing that this process works allows us to align the universe with our goals and we must expect it to happen.Finally faith and science approach one another under the umbrella of quantum mechanics.We have become a conscious associate of the universe and it repays us by becoming a willing partner to our goals.A universe without this innate characteristic would of necessity be lifeless and without purpose.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Gravitation Is The Medium Through Which Karma Is Computed

Karma which must by definition be perfect and all encompassing be a common factor in all things.To be able to find a way around karma and shield oneself from it would render it contradictory and non existent.It will also be effortless and natural and therefore non-entropic.So it must at once have zero entropy and influence everything possible.Is it possible that a medium with those properties could exist and how perfect could it be and would it be anything less than perfect and fulfill the maximum number of parameters possible.Gravitation fulfills those requirements in that is it is non shieldable and interacts with and modifies all fields and particles without exception and has zero entropy.So gravitation processes information simultaneously and effortlessly and how else could karma work.Nature in her quest for economy will use one field for many purposes.A zero entropy form of Maxwell's demon categorizing matter and energy and connecting them to human affairs.