Friday, September 22, 2006

The Nutty Professor

We have all heard of the nutty professor who is perhaps a little eccentric but basically harmless but what of the other kind who assumes the mantle of a great purveyor of truth but is actually full blown insane. What if a professor told you that there are trolls living under the bridge and he meant it! What if he thought the world is 6000 years old and had book to prove it and would kill you if you disagreed then he would be truly malevolent. What if he thought there are angels floating around but you just could'nt see them or had no proof of their existence only second hand accounts of them and would kill you if you did'nt believe that.Then he would be dangerous.Supposing he spent his entire life theorizing about the trolls under the bridge which no one ever sees and has the audacity to call himself a scholar of trolls.That person would be a joke and a laughingstock even among polite society. However substitute angels for trolls and you have a religious scholar the world's foremost oxymoron.Although someone has read and studied something and can recite it forwards and backwards that does'nt mean what they have studied has any validity.Aztec scholars no doubt knew the intricacies of tearing a beating heart from someone and Marxist scholars had an in detailed knowledge of the labour theory of value. Confusing an in depth knowledge of something however ridiculous with actual knowledge is a category mistake.The next time you see a religious scholar with their unique hat or headgear and each group invariably has their own hat because somehow you need a hat to be wise think past the decorations and ask just how absurd are their pronouncements.Give the religous scholars all the respect they deserve.

Virulent Concepts Produce Bifurcated Personalities

The concepts we use to describe the world of course are rooted in our consciousness and control and are determined by what our minds are capable of processing.Our conscious feeling of ourself can be extended by a proper concept. The idea of an all seeing god who is watching us all the time if internalized will result in the feeling of being watched .However this feeling can only be the result of our own ego which has broken in two giving us the sense of our selves and of being observed at all times.What was our greatest gift that is our conscious feeling has been replaced by the watched and the watcher.However since the concept of god is so much larger than our own ego the watcher becomes dominant and we become slaves to our own ego which has been hijacked by the concept of god watching us all the time. Of course since our brain constantly produces our conscious state which is with us all the time and this has been infected by the concept of god now a person has become a prisoner to his own ego! This of course manifests itself as someone giving themselves up to god which is exactly what religious people say. Be careful of the concepts you internalize for there are many out there ready to take control of you. God leaves the realm of philosophy and enters the realm of psychiatry which is exactly where all ego dividing concepts belong.

Friday, September 08, 2006

God Is To Philosophy What Liouville's Number Is To Mathematics

One thing the human mind excells at is making new mental objects to satisfy a preconcieved notion.Irrational numbers are non repeating numbers which may or may not be the root of an algebraic equation.The roots of primes are all irrational in yet algebraic.There is a more powerful type of irrational called transcendental which are not only irrational but also not the root of any algebraic formula.The first number proven to exhibit this property is Liouville's number which was tailor made to exhibit just this property.It exists nowhere in the physical universe but only in the mind and is constructed in such a way as to be a transcendental number.A purely mental construct designed to fulfill the properties needed to make it non-algebraic.The concept of god was constructed by iron age people to satisfy the properties they considered necessary to understand the world.However since they knew nothing of physics they constructed an anthropomorphic universe where god was supreme.That of course is the simplest solution since it absolves one of actually doing the difficult work of figuring out the physical laws.Notice no prophets or saints gave us even the most rudimentary physical laws.You won't find Newton's laws in any religious books. The properties of god is the intersection of all their musings, a simultaneous equation satisfying all their preconditions but not existing in reality only as a construct of an iron age mind.A loving god who runs his own concentration camp called hell was the result.That is the type of idiocy produced by charlatans who pass themselves off as thinkers.

Distributed Intelligence Produces It's Counterpart In The World

A grouping of thoughts will strive to reproduce itself and manifest it's core ideas not just in the minds of it's adherents but also in the world at large.The same thoughts will of necessity produce the same actions wherever they are whether good or evil in response to perceived threats or opportunities.Actions will spontaneously erupt which are approximately the same or are at least the same in the larger sense of being constructive or destructive.Evil ideologies produce evil actions wherever they are and good ideologies produce good actions around the world.These spontaneous actions are a reflection of their propelling ideology and can be expected wherever the ideology is present and are a natural outcome of it's existence and as such are not just spread across space but time also .Wherever and whenever an ideology exists it will manifest itself in the same way.A bloodhound is a bloodhound wherever it exists. Ignorance of history allows evil ideologies to take root where they never were before.Of course the only way to conquer destructive spontaneous acts which are the natural manifestation of an ideology is to destroy the ideology.This can only be done by completly eradicating the virus which created the ideology in the first place..

Saturday, September 02, 2006

All We Know Are Our Thoughts

One of the simple truths which many people do not understand or even think about is the fact that all we know is represented within ourselves.When we see a tree we do not see the tree but only the representation of it in our minds and an alien with a totally different neurology would percieve something totally different. A tree is a concrete object but concepts also reside in our mind which may or may not exist in reality.Beauty exists in the mind of the beholder but is not objective any more than ugliness.God is a concept or grouping of thoughts which exist only within our mind and as such is a proper class or a set which cannot be collected into a whole.The concept of god however is a powerful one and as a thought is self reinforcing.Believers in god love the thought with no real proof of it's objective reality.One can fall in love with a thought of a class of properties just as easily as one can fall in love with the thought of a person who of course is represented in our consciousness as a grouping of properties. .In both cases the attractiveness of the categories which represent the person or concept is what makes us attracted to it.However beautiful and spreading ideas are not necessarily in accordance with reality but may may be just a powerful virus.What one sees is not the world as it is and as such we only follow what our mind can represent.