The Interaction Of Consciousness Creates God
Karma depends on the existence of man or consciousness because without which there is only physics.A single human being in the entire universe could do no wrong or right in a larger sense since he would only be interacting with inanimate objects.The only wrong he could do is harm himself and then the result would be immediate.In order for karma or the idea of god to be manifest the interaction of consciousnesses is needed.Karma amongst rocks is meaningless.God in his desire for perfection which implies the principle of least action and economy would be asleep when he is not needed and how else could it be.Just as Mach's principle says that the rest of the universe is needed to create inertia likewise all of man is needed to bring forth karma because just as without the rest of the universe inertia is meaningless likewise without other humans good and evil is meangless.So only by the interaction of people does what we call karma exist.Karma is an emergent phenomenon.This karmic field exists in potentia and only comes into existence when needed to preserve least action so in this way it's existence depends on our existence.We have come into being to witness and be a part of this creation.Anything we do to enhance consciousness will be rewarded and anything we do to destroy it will be punished.This field of interaction is non-computable just as is our consciousness and as such must of necessity remain beyond our ability to properly describe it beyond knowing that it exists.