A Banged Up Brain Produces Religious Converts
One thing which we have all noticed but never put together is the fact that boxers oftentime become deeply religious.There are various world famous boxers who have become religious but non who have become scientists.After years of having their brains bounced against their skulls feelings of religious rapture seem to follow.Of course what is absurd is that there are people who want to emulate brain damaged people which of course could only occur in someone who is somewhat deficient themselves.It is no coincidence that religious proselytizers instinctively target prisons and schools where young minds haven't developed the ability to discern nonsense from reality. Logically people who feel the same things as others must have similar processes happening in their brains otherwise there is no physical basis for consciousness. The neurology of similar experiences must be similar in different brains.So all feelings of religion are the outcome of partially destroyed brains that is if one believes that a brain which has been bounced around for years will have sustained some damage and that seems as obvious as anything one can imagine.Of course the damage can be self inflicted even if only by repitition of quotes but it must nonetheless be there.Using a little logic we have connected brain damage via boxing,the commonality of similar neurology producing similar effects and religious experience to prove that there must be some common brain malfunction among religious people whether boxers or not and how else could it be?Boxing and brain damage is conducive to religion but here is not one instance of it being conducive to mathematics.What else could explain the belief in angels and other schizophrenic and of course unproven ideas.Religious people with their grand pronouncements,obsessive compulsive behaviours,iron age beliefs and overiding desire to control others should be accorded all the respect and given all the authority that a brain damged person deserves.
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