A Robust Ideolgy Is Not Afraid Of Criticism
Sometimes one can draw parallels between divergent fields of endeavor and come up with a general rule connecting these things.For instance if someone is selling you an investment or filling out a rental application and they won't let you inquire into the details of what they are saying without becoming beligerent or not answering your questions then you know you are probably dealing with a charlatan and you had better run.Likewise but especially in politics or religion when someone won't let you question their beliefs the same conclusion applies.Two of the great failed Ism's of the twentieth century naziism and communism both carried this principle to it's logical conclusion.Imprisonment and or death for anyone daring to question the orthodoxy.Of course this death sentence was extended to anyone who wished to even leave the group ie the berlin wall.If the ideology which is being espoused can easily be shown to be nonsense either by logical deduction or empirical evidence then it must of necessity take extraordinary measures to silence it's critics and deter defectors and how else could it be?A robust ideology welcomes analysis of it's principles because it will grow as the weaker ideas are weeded out.By extension any ideology which cannot stand criticism is of necessity afraid that what someone will say which disagrees with them may make sense and thereby undermine the whole edifice so is to be disallowed in the most violent way. The weaker the logical and or empirical arguments for an ideology of necessity the response must be the most violent.Of course the act of questioning will be described in the most emotive and legal terms as if a great crime has been committed. That is as it always has been and always will be.
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